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My Story

After tearing my right shoulder rotator cuff, the Doctor took an MRI and X-Ray. I was shocked to find out in mid-Nov '09 that I had a tumor in the upper right lung lobe. After a flurry of tests, biopsies, etc, I've been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer, which is also in the lung lymph nodes. On November 30th I start chemotherapy and radiation. Then a 3 week break, followed by surgery to remove the lung lobe. I have no symptoms whatsoever, so this is really hard to assimilate with all the information that has been thrown at me. I'm scared spitless and am having such a hard time staying mentally positive.

Monday, May 23, 2011

We met with the Oncologist today.

The cancer metastasized (via the bloodstream) from my right lung to my lower left lung lobe, which, of course, we already knew. I have a small cancer nodule in a lymph node just above & behind my right clavicle (shoulder). Unfortunately, the fact that the cancer has metastasized means that I am now considered to be Stage 4. I will be starting on IV chemo-therapy tomorrow (Tuesday, May 24th) with a drug called Alimta. I will have an IV treatment every three weeks. And, after the 3rd treatment (i.e. in 9 weeks), I'll have a CT scan and find out whether the cancer is responding to Alimta.

The good news is that this cancer is VERY slow-growing. The good news is that this drug will NOT be as hard on me as the previous chemo-therapy drug which I had in April/May '10. The good news is that I am in much better shape than I was a year ago when I was also trying to recuperate from heavy-duty thoracic surgery. The good news is that there is every reason to believe that I will respond to this new drug.

Am still wrapping my head around all of this, as you can imagine. I intend to focus all of my energy on defeating this rotten Beast, cancer. More later. Wanted all of you who are waiting for news to know how today went. Love - me

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


FYI -- The test results are not back yet so my appointment for today has been postponed until Monday afternoon, May 23rd. My Oncologist sent one of the lung tissue samples to a specialized lab in Boston to do DNA/genome testing on the lung cancer cells. The results from that test will determine which drug(s) I will go on. So... a couple more days of waiting.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lung Biopsy completed

Last Friday was one scarey day! We were at the hospital from 7AM until 3PM. The lung biopsy itself is painful; I'm not going to mince any words about THAT. Thank goodness for painkilling & mind-numbing drugs!! Were it not for the drugs, I'd have been in really serious pain.

A hollow needle was inserted on the left side of my back, about midway up. Then another needle was inserted into that with, I suppose, something like a tiny pickle grabber on its end in order to get a tissue sample. I was awake ("partial sedation") and had to hold my breath when they told me to. The nodule they were trying to get to was in between two ribs - tricky. I was on my stomach on the CT scan table the whole time, so I couldn't see much (probably a good thing in & of itself!). I was actually lucky because they'd told me ahead of time that it can take an hour or longer to get three "good" tissue samples. But it only took them 25 minutes.

After the test was over, I had to lie still - no moving, no eating, no drinking and no talking (<---Gordy loved that part!!) for two hours. They watched me closely to see whether my lung had collapsed. After 2 hours, I was taken for a chest X-Ray and, fortunately, my lung had not collapsed. Another hour or so & they let me go home with instructions to do nothing except take it easy all weekend long. For the past few days, I've felt like I'd been in a mean street fight!!! My back hurt and I could not take a deep breath. Ouch! Today is better. I suppose in another few days, I will be better still.

We meet with the Oncologist on Wed, May 18th. Once he's confirmed what type of cancer he suspects this is, I will, in all likelihood, start chemo-therapy the very next day. So, that's it for now. Will update you all later next week. love - me

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A May Day

May 3, 2011:
Gordy went with me (of course!) to the Oncologist yesterday. He tries to be upbeat & positive (for my sake) but is also a bit in denial. I think he's right in between there somewhere. God bless him, he's been wonderful!! He's so much like my Dad.

The largest of the 3 nodules in my upper right lung is growing at the rate of about 1 mm to 1.3 mm per month. It is now 1.5 cm by 1.6 cm (from the previous 1.3 cm by 1.3 cm @ the end of Feb) . He said he suspects that this is Bronchial Alveolar cancer because of its characteristics ("shotgun" - i. e. several small nodules) versus Adenocarcinoma had been in my right lung lobe (i.e. one large tumor). The CT scan found that I have a spot on a lymph node in my neck (a new development) which is about 1 cm in size (small pea); Dr. Schneider could not feel it when he did a physical check today.

He said if I wanted to wait another 2 or 3 months before we do another CT scan, he'd be OK with that (since the growth is so slow) . But he said he'd also be OK with doing a biopsy now (since the largest nodule is big enough to be able to biopsy). In his judgement, he thinks it will continue to grow slowly, but that there's always a chance it could simply take off & grow faster. So, he let me make the call.

I decided to have the biopsy now & not wait another 2 or 3 months. Why wait & take a chance? I'm scheduled for it on Friday morning @ Regions Hosp at 7:15. It will be a bit trickier & much more time consuming to do the biopsy time around because I have only one lung and if it should collapse as a result of the procedure, they'd have to put in a chest tube for me to breathe & admit me to the hospital. I have to go in on Wed for some bloodwork.

I know this all sounds terrifying, but over the past year & a half, I'm becoming alot more zen-like about it all. It is what it is and I can't change any of it by stressing out over it, so I really do have to "let go & let God", as the saying goes! That's about it for now. Will post more later. Love - me