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My Story

After tearing my right shoulder rotator cuff, the Doctor took an MRI and X-Ray. I was shocked to find out in mid-Nov '09 that I had a tumor in the upper right lung lobe. After a flurry of tests, biopsies, etc, I've been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer, which is also in the lung lymph nodes. On November 30th I start chemotherapy and radiation. Then a 3 week break, followed by surgery to remove the lung lobe. I have no symptoms whatsoever, so this is really hard to assimilate with all the information that has been thrown at me. I'm scared spitless and am having such a hard time staying mentally positive.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

early Dec CT scan results

Sorry it's taken me so long to give you all an update on my last CT which was done on Dec 8th. To tell you the truth, it really rocked my world off its axis - I wasn't expecting to hear this from my Oncologist -am just getting my head wrapped around it and moving onward and upward in the past week.

I have three nodules in my left lung (remember: my right upper & middle lung lobes were removed last Feb). My Oncologist is unconcerned over the first 2 nodules. The third one, however, he "doesn't like the looks of it". Seems it grew from 7 x 8 mm to 10 x 10 mm since my last CT in late Sept. It's too small (about the size of a green pea) to do a biopsy. It can't be treated until we find out IF it's cancerous and (if it is) what kind of cancer it is. Catch-22, huh?! So, the only thing we can do is wait another 3 months & do another CT scan.

I'm not thrilled with all this, as you can imagine. I've researched into this and know that my treatment possibilities will be narrowed down to either chemo-therapy or possibly laser treatment IF, in fact, that third lung nodule turns out to be cancer. My next CT scan is scheduled for March 8th, which feels like a l-o-n-g way off at this point. On the PLUS side, my energy level is coming back almost to "normal", I have HAIR again, and I feel really good. There are alot of people worse off than I am right now. I will keep you posted on my next CT scan results.

Oh, one more thing: Gordy had rotator cuff surgery on Nov 30th and he's home recovering from that. He's doing great after 6 weeks, but thinks he should be much further along. Patience in his healing process is not his long suit, I'm afraid! Between the two of us, he's a bigger mess than I was!

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